Private Truths, Public Lies: The US Elections

I am not concerned about the prospect of Joe Biden’s winning the Presidency, nor am I concerned about President Trump‘s not being re-elected. What I am concerned about is that there is no leader during this crucial time to guide the world. What I am concerned about is that Russia has taken charge of events in the Middle East and world affairs from Syria to Afghanistan and Libya; China is resolved to solve the question regarding Taiwan; North Korea is determined to have nuclear ballistic capability; and Iran has sought control in the Middle East, Africa, and Central Asia. Joe Biden envisions a return to global environmental treaties that are bad for American businesses through a Green New Deal that will make American taxpayers pay for China, India, and the world’s other most polluted countries. China is not being honest about the Corona virus, not mention the downturn in the American economy resulting from the pandemic. My concern is that this election represents one of the biggest American gambles in its history. Sadly, many American voters have not had the chance to think carefully about the issues mentioned above. As expected, the leftist media is exploiting the pandemic, the lockdowns, and the riots that have ravaged the American economy in order to smear the President and label him as a complete failure. The Democratic campaign timely weaponized the Corona virus in America as a to help Joe Biden politically to become America’s 46th President.Throughout his long forty plus -year career in government, Joe Biden has repeatedly been wrong, and he has obviously learned nothing from his mistakes. He opposed school integration in the 70s; dropped out of the presidential election because of the substantiated charges of plagiarism in law school in the 80s; voted to overturn legislature that prevented banks from becoming “too big to fail,” wrote a crime bill that helped bring about mass incarceration, and produced “welfare reform” that drove more to poverty in the 90s; used his son’s death for political gain in the next decade, and leaned on his vice-presidency to ensure employment for his son as emails revealed in this election.

As all Presidential candidates, President Trump promised the people several major outcomes, and after four years he has kept his promises. President Trump is the only President who did what he said he was going to do perhaps because of his anti-establishment, bulldog style. Whether it was picking conservative judges who will implement the law, defunding abortion centers, or moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem, he carried through with his promises. President Trump signed the First Step Act, the first major criminal justice reform bill that has helped African Americans; President Trump supported and funded more black colleges and universities than any president in history, even more than President Obama and Joe Biden. In these areas and others, President Trump has kept his promises to the American people.

To counter these successes, the leftist media created a false narrative bolstered with fake polls to turn the country against Trump and falsely claimed that a blue wave was coming. The media narrative was meant to suppress Republican and independent voters and to cover up the massive election fraud. Joe Biden purportedly won the election but pollsters lost. President Trump made gains in spite of major forces from impeachments charges to media bias being rigged against him. Democrat leftists live in a utopian society of universal equality. They compare America with their vision of a fantasy world that never existed. Therefore, they blame conservatives and American values saying that this generation has different values than the founding fathers, and they want to change the values to theirs. The problem is that the leftists dream of a fantasyland that could never exist in the real world. However, if the leftists compare the US to its surroundings, they will see that while America may not be perfect, it at least to this point has the world‘s best functioning political system. They, however, are putting the world’s last well functioning system on the edge of collapse along with American Conservatism, founded on Christian principles that have resulted in the greatest country in terms of opportunities for all, the fulfillment of dreams, and humanitarianism to the world. Democratic leftist theory is based on godless Marxism that has resulted in failure and disaster in the twentieth century with millions of people murdered by their government and with millions more living in poverty and misery. Ironically, most immigrants flee to the US from Marxist governments yet those propagating Marxism in the US institutions of higher learning lecture fiercely on the superiority of its idealism. God cares about everything that affects our lives including who is going to be our leader and how our society will be ruled. He requires our submission to the authority of government, but we cannot just shut our mind to our nation’s need for honest and able leaders.

President Trump made progress on both the national and global fronts. At home he revitalized the economy with tax cuts, pushing back on regulatory tyranny, defending the Bill of Rights, appointing originalists federal judges, and challenging the liberal, leftist identity politics that has targeted the Bill of Rights in its effort to complete the transformation of America from a republic of limited federal powers into tyranny under the name of “justice” and “equality.” In his foreign policy President Trump has put America first, calling for free riding allies to pay their share. He has exposed the failure of global institutions that only play by China’s rule-based international order that strengthens its global reach and power and that weakens America. President Trump rejected multinational agreements that were not in the interests of the US. Further, in brokering the normalization of relations between Israel and other Middle East Muslim countries, President Trump envisioned the state of Israel and the Palestinian State living side by side in peace with Israel.

Joe Biden has a foreign policy plan that is so secret that no one knows what it is, not even he himself. Joe Biden keeps talking about rebuilding the world’s trust and respect for America and the environment. He will follow Obama’s legacy towards Iran based on policy change of the Trump administration’s policy toward Iran and not regime change, without necessarily favoring rapid normalization of relations. Biden has said he would take a tougher stand against Russia and President Vladimir Putin and has called Moscow an opponent as well as the biggest threat to the security of the United States. But his rhetoric alone will not have any impact on Russia or President Putin.

Clearly, in recent years, economic, cultural, and racial divisions in the United States have widened. However, the perception of such a divide is stronger than its reality. The Democratic Party is at war with the country and is willing to collude with hate groups such as Antifa, whose clearly stated agenda and goal is the destruction of America as it perceives it to be today. To that end, it increasingly coordinates with Black Lives Matter and other activists. Political leaders are pitting people against each other for their own benefit. The corrupt media and corrupt politicians came after Trump before he stepped foot in the White House and have fought him from every angle, not letting him do his job instead of just working with him. I hope this will not be the same for the Joe Biden administration as well because America needs a leader who can lead especially during the time of crises imported from China, Russia, and other parts of the world. Also, it is unproductive for American interests to waste the time on post elections, vote counting, and law suits. Instead, once the election process, set forth in the Constitution, is completed, the transition teams should be appointed.

Biased media outlets generally focus on the extremists in each party and ignore the moderates. There is no doubt that Joe Biden faces a tough task in bridging these divisions among both camps. Republicans more than likely will keep the Senate, which would make the task of passing an effective economic plan and other changes more difficult. The House of Representatives will remain in the hands of the Democrats.. I hope both parties will find a way to reach middle ground on many issues, so that America can be, in fact, what it has represented to the world.

Dr. Aland Mizell is with the MCI, SETBI and a regular Mindanao Times.You may email the author





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